A downloadable game for Windows

PLEASE NOTE latest version of the game is in DungeonCravvlPost7drl.zip and is the preferred version to play - version posted at end of 7drl period is downloadable still via the DungeonCravvl.zip

Make your way deeper and deeper into the dungeon, but watch out for all the other adventurers who have the same idea

Use Arrow keys to move and WASD keys to cast spell

Press space to start

List of spells (randomly mapped to W,A and D on the keyboard)


Burn - Sets light to X nearest enemies (where X is the spell cost), the enemies will continue to walk around for a while, in this state they should not be touched, as they will cause 2 damage (added post 7drl)

Heal - Heals points of damage

Lightning - Zaps X nearest enemies (where X is the spell cost), lightning in this version will not hurt the player

Reveal - Reveals the level

Slow - Slows game speed (added post 7drl)

Statue - Freezes enemies on the spot

Teleport - teleports 1 or 2 floors down the dungeon (bug fixed post 7drl)

Change Spells - reassign spells at random (always mapped to S on the keyboard)

POST 7DRL Version changes


1- the initial magic points are increased giving ability to cast more spells earlier, and makes the game more fun

2- Spells Burn and Slow are added

3- Sound system not started (should fix openAL errors on some machines), given I never added any sounds this should have no effect to end game.

Additional Note -(7drl judges)


Due to work and family commitments this entry was uploaded a little after my 7 day start, and while a lot less than 7 days were available to spend in total, under the full extent of the rules this could be construed as against the rules.

The entry is far from complete - it is a long way from balanced, has no sounds created yet or additional enemy types, and death just goes back to title page.



Art and coding by and copyright 2020 TeePeeDee (assets can be reused with credit)

PixelGameEngine copyright 2018-2020 OneLoneCoder.com


DungeonCravvl.zip 3 MB
DungeonCravvlPost7drl.zip 3 MB

Install instructions

unzip files into a directry keeping all folder structures, run DungeonCravvl.exe


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I get a OpenAL32.dll not found error when I try to play, after unzipping :(

Hey, sorry about that I will post a fixed version shortly (along with some other small post 7drl changes) but if you want to play this with in the 7 days version you will need openal you can use the windows installer here https://www.openal.org/downloads/

Now added a post 7drl version which should fix the issue (still no sounds in game though)

ill try again thanks!

Great let me know if you still have problems!